
  • 孙逍然
  • 日期:2023-05-25
  • 6838


讲座一:Several Theoretical Predictions of Black Holes and Physics Revolution(黑洞的若干理论预言和物理革命)
讲座时间:2023年6月13日 13:30-15:10
       In reference to investigations over more than a century, we review several key aspects for the theoretical predictions and observational evidences of black holes with fascinating historical anecdotes. We advanced the physical scenario of sustained self-similar dynamic collapsing processes for forming the main bodies of hypermassive and supermassive black holes in gigantic mass reservoirs in the entire Universe including the early Universe in particular. We built theoretical models of magnetized stars in the massive to supermassive range to address, among others, the mass gap issue for binary black holes inferred by the gravitational wave observations of LIGO/Virgo collaborative experiments. We further explore static and dynamic polytropic lens models for gravitational lensing effects. Future observations with new diagnostics would reveal new aspects of black hole formation. Implications are discussed in the contexts of astrophysics,cosmology, basic physics and philosophy.



讲座时间:2023年6月13日 15:20-17:00
       液晶的数学理论融合了晶体复杂的对称性与流体丰富的动力学,法国物理学家皮埃尔-吉勒·德热纳(Pierre-Gilles de Gennes)据此成功分析了这些因素对液晶的奇异的光学特性的影响,于1991年,因其对液晶理论的贡献荣获诺贝尔物理学奖。
       更神奇的是,液晶还是生命的核心。有一种特殊的二维液晶,它卷曲形成闭合球面,组成了细胞表面以及细胞内不同功能单元之间的薄膜。发现生物膜液晶秘密正是发现液晶显示原理的德国科学家W·赫尔弗里希(W. Helfrich),利用他的液晶生物膜理论,红血球的正常形态双凹盘状形状及各种病态形状都得到严格的数学解释,这些液晶膜能选择性地让各类不同物质通过,从而让细胞可以进食、消化、排泄与呼吸,它们还会生长、发芽和分裂,都可以用这个生物膜的液晶理论完美解释。



讲座三:Probing Extreme Physics with Compact Objects(致密星与极端物理)
讲座时间:2023年6月20日 13:30-15:10
       Compact objects (white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes) are associated with some of the most exotic phenomena and environments in the universe. They have been observed in all electromagnetic wave bands, from radio to gamma rays, and have recently been detected in gravitational waves. Their strong gravities, high densities and magnetic fields provide a unique avenue for exploring physics under extreme conditions. In this talk, I will highlight recent progress and discuss future prospects in the astrophysics of compact objects.


       Dong Lai is Benson Jay and Mary Ellen Simon Professor of Astrophysics at Cornell University. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Science and Technology of China.  He studied theoretical physics at Cornell University, receiving Ph.D. in 1994. He was the Richard C. Tolman Postdoctoral Fellow at Caltech, and joined the Cornell Astronomy faculty in 1997. He has received the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship and the Simons Fellowship, and has held visiting professorship positions at IAS, Harvard and UC Berkeley etc. His current research is in theoretical astrophysics, focusing on compact objects (neutron stars, black holes and white dwarfs), gravitational waves, exoplanets and astrophysical dynamics in general. He is currently T.D. Lee (visiting) Professor at Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) in Shanghai.

讲座四:Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions
讲座时间:2023年6月20日 15:20-17:00
       This lecture discusses the principles and techniques of quantum computation and quantum simulation using trapped ions. Trapped ion systems are one of the leading candidates for practical quantum information processing. The different types of RF pole traps are introduced and then the basic procedures of quantum computation such as initialization, quantum gates, and detection are discussed. We will also present current technological challenges and challenges and discuss technological and theoretical advances to address them. Finally, mainly with respect to the perspective of noisy-intermediate scale quantum computing (NISQ), we will provide prospects for large-scale quantum computation using trapped ions in the near future.

主讲人:KIM KIHWAN(金奇奂)教授

       Professor Kihwan Kim is a tenured professor in the Department of Physics, at Tsinghua University. He received his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Seoul National University. He then did postdoctoral work at the University of Innsbruck and the University of Maryland. Since joining Tsinghua University in 2011, he has pursued the development of quantum computation and quantum information science using trapped ions. He also raised many talented students, and under his guidance, more than 10 students have already received doctoral degrees.

讲座五:How shall we measure the quantum Universe?
讲座时间:2023年6月27日 13:30-15:10
       How did our Universe begin? What fundamental laws of physics govern our Universe? These are fundamental questions humans have been seeking for a long time. To address these grand questions of science, we need to invent "new eyes" to observe our Universe. Such new eyes should also play critical roles in measuring fundamental properties of known quantum fields, which may lead to a discovery of a new quantum field. In December 2021, at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan, a new research center named "the International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles (QUP)" was established. In this presentation, we introduce QUP's key projects, including the LiteBIRD space mission led by JAXA to study our Universe before the Big Bang, for which QUP will provide superconducting detector arrays.
Masashi Hazumi压缩

主讲人:Masashi Hazumi(羽澄昌史)教授

       Director, International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles(QUP), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK).
       Concurrently serving as Professor of institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies  (IPNS), and Specially-Appointed Professor of institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Eaploration Agency(JAXA), and Project Professor of Kaoli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe(Kavli IPMU, WPI),  UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, and Professor of The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI).

讲座时间:6月27日 15:20-17:00


       研究员,FAST首席科学家,基金委杰出青年。组织领导了FAST早期科学规划和相关研究,提出和主持实现了世界首创的多科学目标同时巡天模式,数倍提高FAST巡天效率, 领导FAST第一批科学发现。科学成果包括发现星际氧气;命名中性氢窄线自吸收方法,基于此精确测量星际磁场登上《Nature》封面;深度刻画快速射电暴,连续入选科技部组织评选的2021、2022年度“中国科学十大进展”。获得中国科学院“杰出科技成就奖”突出贡献者。

讲座时间:2023年7月4日 13:30-15:10




讲座八:Semiconductor/Molecular Nanostructures: Novel Physics and Applications
讲座时间2023年7月4日 15:20-17:00
       Integration of organic molecules with inorganic semiconductors holds vast potential for fundamental physics studies and device applications. For instance, surface functionalization with organic molecules can  afford semiconductor devices unusual functionalities such as molecular recognition, which can be harnessed for biomolecular sensing and bottom-up assembly of semiconductor nanostructures. On the other hand, organic molecules can also be utilized as means of modulating and enhancing electronic characteristics of semiconductor devices, and even serve as active components for producing novel charge and spin transport effects. In this talk, I will present several examples of interdisciplinary research focusing on the fabrication and studies of various semiconductor/molecular hybrid nanostructures, with an eye towards both demonstrating new device functions and discovering new physics. 

熊鹏 教授

       Peng Xiong received his B.Sc. in Physics from University of Science and Technology of China in 1987 and Ph.D.in Physics from Brown University in 1993, with a dissertation covering topics of high temperature superconductivity, magnetic granular solids, and mesoscale superconductivity. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California at San Diego, performing research in superconductor-insulator transition and fluctuation effects in two- and one-dimensional systems. He joined the Physics faculty of Florida State University in 1997. His research at FSU broadly focuses on novel electronic and magnetoelectronic phenomena in quantum materials and nanostructured devices. Current research activities include quantum phases and phase transitions in ultrathin superconducting films and nanowires, exotic electronic states/excitations in nanoscale devices and heterostructures, molecular and semiconductor spintronics, semiconductor nano devices as biomolecular sensors. He received the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in 1998, and became a fellow of the American Physical Society in 2012.